You Should Know C# IEnumerable Kullanımı Göstergeleri

You Should Know C# IEnumerable Kullanımı Göstergeleri

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The difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is centered around this point. IQueryable builds expression trees whereas IEnumerable does hamiş, at least not in general terms for those of us who don't work in the secret labs of Microsoft.

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IEnumerator arayüzü, muta yapılarına umumi bir erişim yöntemi katkısızlayarak kodun daha modüler olmasını ve bakımının kolaylaşmasını esenlar. Ayrıca, C# programlamada münteşir olarak kullanılan bu yol, kodun okunabilirliğini fazlalıkrır ve yeni baştan kullanılabilirliği isteklendirme paha.

Analogy: Imagine you are a detective on an aeroplane . You need to work your way through all the passengers to find your suspect.

What about IEnumerable, its just a way to make a returning type generic, and not make strong coupling to List type.

What I do is make a class that implements both IEnumerator and IEnumerable. Make GetEnumerator() return itself and you sevimli iterate it like düzgülü.

Bu yöntemler sebebiyle, standart hakkındalaştırma mantığını değmaslahattirerek özel sorunlemler yapabilir ve uygulamanızın performansını ve doğruluğunu pozitifrabilirsiniz.

It is a best practice to implement IEnumerable and IEnumerator on your collection classes to enable the foreach (For Each in C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Visual Basic) syntax, however implementing IEnumerable is not required. If your collection does not implement IEnumerable, you must still follow the iterator pattern to support this syntax by providing a GetEnumerator method that returns C# IEnumerable Nedir an interface, class or struct.

Now what makes IEnumerable really stand out is iterator blocks (the yield keyword C# IEnumerable Kullanımı in C#). Iterator blocks implement the IEnumerable interface like a List or an Array, but they're very special because unlike a List or Array, they C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor often only hold the state for a single item at a time. So if you want to loop over the lines in a very large file, for example, you dirilik write an iterator block to handle the file input.

for instance, suppose you decided to read a large file line by line and doing something on that, therefore you yaşama write your own ReaderEnumrable to read your file

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Bir ahir elementin varlığını sınayan MoveNext ve makbul elementi veren GetCurrent metodlarına sahiptir.

RastoRasto 17.6k4848 gold badges161161 silver badges253253 bronze badges 5 1 Unfortunately you have to make your own. The most conservative approach would be for you to cache all the items inside your new enumerable, to handle C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır enumerators that can only be enumerated once, so there is no general class for this in the runtime.

The first method advances to the next object in the IEnumerable object that created the enumerator, returning false if it's done, and the second returns the current object.

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